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Luni , 26 Iulie , 2010

EURO-VOCEA MARAMURESULUI concurs organizat de senatorul Sorin Marius Bota

Look inside… BUCSA RALUCA VALENTINA MARIA I’ve been overprotected all this time and still * am now broken. You always tried to offer me the perfect life. Well, you didn’t, not even close. * never wanted to be perfect, to have everything. Too much is too much. * wanted to make my own way, even if * might fail. * am not afraid of failing, * am afraid of winning. You always thought that you knew what * really needed, that you knew better than me. * don’t think so. You don’t own me , you are not me, so you don’t know better than me. You never knew. * may have made some mistakes, but that doesn’t give you the right to decide for me, because it may end the same. You never know. I want to live. * want to fail. * want to win. * can’t fail without living, not winning without failing. This way it goes. * can’t get to the next point without the previous one. If * don’t have the liberty to decide, to act, * can’t really live my life. This isn’t about what you want or what * want. This is about giving me the chance to be and to live how we are supposed to. We are not robots, we don’t automatic follow orders from the master. Let me live, and let me fail, because this is the only way for me to evolve and reach to the top. With a little rain, * won’t fall apart. Just let me be, and you will see that * am stronger than you think. Let me follow the wind, so * can hear the s. I have to save me from myself, from who I’ve become. There is still hope, because * realized that * am incomplete. Let me find the missing peace so * can be whole again. I will regain myself, but * will leave you behind. It’s the only way. To rebuilt something, * have to empty my mind. I can’t find what I’m looking for, unless * find the answers. For the first time, * will breathe life. * will experience what * couldn’t, and * know that * will be broken again and again. But each time will be a chance of standing up and continue my way. And in the end, * will find peace, * will find myself… A true leader! In order to be better, we must change. In order to create a new world, we must destroy it. The one who’ll be the true leader, will have the will to destroy it. The one must wear the mask even in his last moments, and never wish for a future for himself. In order to create, he must destroy what’s been evil, including him. How painful can be to love the world so much that he is able to sacrifice, he is able to give the love for hatred, in order to revive the people’s love that has fallen in the darkness. All sins will be for just one man, one soul, one life. Justice is so cruel but fair. Even if the only soul that desired peace has fallen, by his loss all will be liberated. I want to stop this, but * can’t. The one who desired the future will embrace it in the abyss. His true face was only seen by the one who took his life. For this, he will be lonely forever, in order to create this world. I sometimes think of him, his gentle eyes, his warm heart, his great soul. Nobody will love us more that he loved us. That’s why…I will bear this secret and I will smile while crying inside. No one will ever know, that was his wish. To live on and hope for a better future. To forget the past and live on. We will be united and we’ll find love that once was lost. We’ll regain the power to dream and we’ll fulfill our desires. Thank you for showing me your love, thank you for embracing me when no one believed in me, thank you for giving us hope, thank you for being in my life…

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